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Bookworm obsessed with words, poetry, and spreading positivity. Addicted to Medium – let's explore stories & ideas together!
CFRE passionate about helping people & non-profits change the world, nonprofit tech & social media geek, trainer, and writer. Happy wife, mom of 3 and quilter.
Art (Free Man) Nelson ~ A Spirit led healing voice for a hurting world. #JesusIsLord #OnlyBelieve #LoveNeverFails
Welcome to your official hub for all things Hillary in the Buckeye State! Follow us for updates and text OHIO to 47246 to get involved!
Carolina Miranda created Feminine Harbor. She is also a writer, educator, mother, auntie, scholar, administrator, and just someone trying her best.
Blogger, Reader, Lover of good coffee and better beer
Your guide to small business marketing advice, the best tools, tips and strategies for overwhelmed, cash, strapped small business owners
Leadership coach & consultant. Author of The 4 Dimensions of Extraordinary Leadership. Always tea/never coffee, passionate about leading well
Book Author
Audacious Advocate. Sitting at the intersection of people, prayer, and politics ~ Host of News in Motion broadcast and founder of EVERBLOOM.
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