News in Motion: A Digital Platform for Civic Engagement

And just like that, we will return to the digital platform on Monday morning, January 8, 2024, after a month away from the noise of the chaotic news that is happening in and around America. Yes, I missed it, but the break was a needed one, especially during the holidays.

Why News and Politics Matter:

Often, people ask me, why news and why the political beat? To which I respond, “Why not news, and please understand that everything is political.” It never fails that I hear people say they do not watch or listen to the news. I respond with encouragement, suggesting that everyone find a news source they connect with — one that is reliable and truthful. Be sure to vet both the news and its source.

News in Motion’s Mission:

News in Motion operates as an aggregated (NOT satire) media platform, dedicated to fostering citizen engagement in civic life. By delivering headline news, voter education, and encouraging voter participation, it serves as a catalyst for action with an uplifting message. We aim to instill a sense of empowerment and motivation. This grassroots movement seeks to inspire individuals through informative and engaging content, encouraging them to take meaningful action in their communities and contribute to positive change. Since our inception in June 2020, we’ve been going strong, offering a unique approach to news coverage that digs deep, shares factual commentary, and connects the dots every day.

News in Motion: A Peek Behind the Scenes

People often ask, “How do you start a digital news broadcast, and what should one include?” I’m going to be very transparent and share mine. More importantly, encourage your audience to vet your work and sources that you share. At News in Motion, we have created a family, and it continues to grow as I encourage everyone who tunes in to conduct their own research.

The show began from my passion for news and politics. Frequently, I heard people express their lack of awareness about new legislation, their voting districts, their representatives, the voter registration process, filibusters, Supreme Court opinions, and impactful news headlines. Taking this feedback to heart, I embarked on building the show. Through trial and error, countless rewrites, and continuous adjustments over three and a half years, I have refined the content. The key lesson learned: follow what brings you joy. If that joy fades, it might be time to explore new and different avenues or even business ventures. Honestly, I envision rounding the corner post the 2024 elections. While the final decision is pending, I sense the dust settling. Until then…

News in Motion: Run of Show Sample

NOTE: Each day may not contain all segments. My broadcast is 35-minutes, so adjustments have to be made to keep to that time frame.

Introduction: (2 minutes)

  • Opening graphics and theme music with video
  • Welcome message from the host emphasizing the mission of News in Motion
  • Brief overview of the day’s segments and goals

Segment 1: Headline News (8 minutes)

  • Introduction to the day’s top three news headlines
  • Quick updates with facts and context
  • Transition to a discussion with the viewers who share in the chat feature
  • Recap of the latest news stories with emphasis on citizen impact

Sponsor Message: (60-seconds if you have a sponsor)

  • Acknowledgment and gratitude towards the sponsor
  • Brief promotion or message from the sponsor aligning with the platform’s mission

Segment 2: Voter Education (5 minutes)

  • Overview of important political issues
  • Presentation of key facts and statistics
  • Discussion with an expert or analyst for in-depth insights

Segment 3: Voter Participation (5 minutes)

  • Interview with a voter advocate or expert
  • Tips for voter registration and engagement
  • Interactive elements, such as polls or audience questions related to voter participation

Segment 4: Call to Action (3 minutes)

  • Inspiring stories of civic engagement
  • Highlighting community projects and initiatives
  • A strong call to action emphasizing the power of individual contributions
  • Recap of key action items for viewers

Segment 5: Panel Discussion (15 minutes) — on a day without other segmetns

  • Introduction of panelists discussing specific civic topics
  • In-depth conversation on issues relevant to the audience
  • Q&A with the audience, encouraging active participation

Segment 6: Special Guest Interview (12 minutes) — on a day without other segments

  • Introduction of the prominent figure in politics or activism
  • In-depth conversation on relevant issues
  • Open-floor questions from the audience or pre-submitted questions

Segment 7: Spotlight on Local Heroes (3 minutes)

  • Recognition of individuals making a difference in the community
  • Showcasing their efforts and impact through multimedia elements

Segment 8: Inspirational Message (3 minutes) — This takes place in every broadcast

  • To inspire individuals to navigate their day, often by sharing a Bible verse.
  • Share step by step on how to navigate the day.
  • Encouragement for viewers to make bold moves.

Closing: (2 minutes)

  • Brief recap of the key takeaways from each segment
  • Final call to action for civic engagement
  • Outro video with legal note, fair use information, contact information and social media links

Since it is 2024, News in Motion will be very heavy on voter information, registration, civic engagement, etc. Therefore, there will be a lot of news on this front.

As we find ourselves in the general election year with the Iowa Caucus about to kick off on January 15, 2024, it is never too early to start mapping out your vote plan. Check out the News in Motion Voter Registration, Participation, and Resource Guide.

We hope you will tune in this week for a segment or more of News in Motion at at 7:25 AM Eastern. Be sure to subscribe and set the alerts.

Feel free to share your platform and experiences in the comments — let’s build connections and inspire positive change together.

Looking for a coach or consultant to help flesh out your broadcast concept and build your run-of-show? Schedule a strategy session today [].




Gail Dudley ~ People. Prayer. Politics.
Gail Dudley ~ People. Prayer. Politics.

Written by Gail Dudley ~ People. Prayer. Politics.

Audacious Advocate empowering people and communities at the intersection of prayer, politics, and purpose. 🌱 Let’s bloom together—join me!

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